Ms. Grace Shih is a Registered Dietitian 

Dietitian at Children’s Hospital at Stanford (LPCH), Stanford Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA for over 25 years

Consultant dietitian for Children’s Hospital of Northern California

Lecturer in nutrition for college and medical Students

Instructor for obesity classes at Bay Area Committed to Kids

Consultant dietitian for clinics at Kaiser Permanente

Dietitian at Gastro-Intestinal and Diabetic Clinics, LPCH

Speaker at United States and International nutrition conferences

Author for the first diabulimia book “ Diabulimia What It Is And How to Treat It”.

Patient Testimonials

What Our Patients Say About Us!


Grace helped me during my pregnancy and proper guide me what to eat. She is the best nutritionists. She listens carefully and guide according to the situation! Highly Recommended!

Grace is one the best nutritionists I know. Her experience with adolescents is unsurpassed. She has an ability to be both sympathetic and yet clear-headed about what is needed to help these youngsters. I give her my highest personal recommendation.

“Grace saved my life. I am now 51 years old with 2 healthy children; I owe it to Gracewho patiently worked with me through my struggle with managing my diabetes.”